361 job postings, unconventional insights, 100k on podcast 🎉 , going live this week
361 new jobs posts from this week, don't take "no" for an answer when it comes to talking with your users, new podcast hit 100k 😲 and don't miss my live on instagram this week!
Hey designers, hope you’re ready to survive another week. I’ve been working on setting up my consultancy website but I’m dragging my feet. I’m trying to find the right balance of professionalism but very much laced with my personality so they know what they’ll be in for.
How are you holding up? Working on anything cool?
👉 I’ll be live on Instagram this Wednesday! Get the reminder here if you want to join.
6:30 p.m. Amsterdam time, 12:30pm New York time.
In case you missed it…
🗳️ You can vote on what content I cover next! Have a look
🎥 Should you put all the work you’ve done for 1 company into 1 case study on your design portfolio? - Jena asked a great question about what to do when you’ve been working for one company for ages…
🎥 Coming layoffs have been announced for my company - I got some really bad news a few weeks ago and I need to get a plan in place, just in case.
✍️ Stop being a pixel pusher, you can do better - Seriously though, UX folks can bring so much more to the table than just the pretty pictures
You guys helped me be the first to help DesignOps Align podcast hit 100k views! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Super cool to be able to hit this milestone with them. If you haven’t had a watch, you’re really missing out, we cover a lot of great topics from marrying design with business needs to the strategic use of AI.
Never Accept a “No” to Talking With Users
No budget, no time, legal, no one cares? Whatever the reason sometimes companies just don’t have space for designers to talk with their users. This article outlines some clever ideas about how to still get close to users in some unconventional ways. Definitely a good one to keep in your back pocket in case you ever find yourself in this situation.
Weekly job listing updates
Based on my reader survey, I know quite a few of you are on the job hunt so I thought this might be helpful. Javier, a UX Director at Google, has been sharing a weekly update on job listings he’s found. They cover various roles, UXD, UXR & UXW, and looks like most of them are either in Europe, the US, or Canada. If you’re on the job hunt definitely give this a glance.
Reader Q&A
Tailored advice and resources based on the career challenges and skill-building goals you shared in my reader survey.
“Measuring the impact of the new release. Creating product process that fits start up and their constraints”
Agile, agile, agile. Amirite? Understanding the impact of your design solutions once they’re released is super subject to how much your startup cares about knowing if what the hell they’re doing is having any sort of impact. That being said, you can always start by refining your understanding of quantitative metrics and figuring out the goals your startup has for what numbers they want to hit and when. Depending on what type of tracking tool they use, you can even sharpen your skills to jump into the analytics yourself. Check-in and monitor how your new release is doing over a few weeks. Bounce rate, scroll depth, click-through, and conversion, your initial designs should always have the success metrics in mind before you even put pen to paper.
Bonus tip: try and advocate for the implementation of feedback loops into the product itself so you can collect more qualitative and targetted insights.
I hope this helps 💛
But wait, there’s more
Like visual content about UX & Product Design? Follow me on Tiktok or Insta
Here are some resources I’ve created specifically for designers
I go a bit more in-depth on specific topics over on Medium and LinkedIn but sub to this newsletter for regular goodies in your inbox 😎